
zaterdag 31 augustus 2024

On the Painting Desk 294

 So summer holidays for Thorin are over this monday, and we are back to work, not having painted as much as I liked due to the heatwave druing my holidays.

But never the less, the past week I did manage to get some painting done, and with some, I mean I'm really happy with how far I got.

First of all, the Demolishers are all 4 finished, meaning the Horns of Hashut warband is now 70% done.


But the priority job was to get these trays readied, as I needed for my first game of The Old World last friday.  Surely, the current units where a bit to small for the shooting units bases, but as I will go to 20 man units anyways, it was a bit of a stop gap measure.

So good progress down the whole line, and hopefully in the coming week some projects will be rounded out, and of course others will be started up...

donderdag 29 augustus 2024

Saintia Sho volume 7 - Masami Kurumada and Chimaki Kuori

 With Saga seemingly returned, it is time for another action packed volume of the Saint Seiya spin-off series, Saintia Sho.

So let's read further, and especially enjoy all the things cut from the anime, of Shoko's quest to free her sister from Eris's influence.
As Eris's temple is on a collision course with Sanctuary, Aiolia engages the ressurected Saga.  One of the dryads of Eris, Ate, seems to no longer agree with her godess's will, jealous of how the former Saints seemingly are being favored.
They are informed though that Eris, more then Athena's, wants Shoko's head, and that divine powers through the golden apple are the reward for those that bring it to her.  While guarding Athena, Shoko is attacked by a mirror image of herself wearing a black version of her cloth.  As her cosmo awakens thanks to the protection of her sister, she defeats her, who turns out to be Madness Mania.

Ate attacks her in turn, but Aries Mu steps in, easily repelling the dryad.  He sends Shoko to the temple, relieving her of her watch.  Aiolia struggles at Saga who has become far more powerfull then before, but Scorpio Milo saves him.   In the meantime, Silver Saints Shield Ewan and Southern Cross Georg protect the innocents.
Shoko, joined by Cassiopeia Elda, advances inside the temple until they come face to face with another fallen Saint, Orion Rigel.   Shoko agrees that he takes her to her sister, as Milo and Aiolia together engage the being that was once Saga.

And so with Shoko before the gate leading to Eris, it's time to wait to read the next volume and see how the story will progress, as we are nearing the end of the anime as well now.

woensdag 28 augustus 2024

Lord Ipsqueek's Adventures: Toverland

 Hello everyone, like I told you yesterday in my holdiay tale of adventure, that wasn't all that happened.

Because during our stay at Het Meerdal, mommy and daddy took me to visit another country: Toverland!

This magical land of adventures was only a 15 minute drive away from our residence, so we jumped into the car and went for a journey of discovery and adventure!

Arriving there, it wasn't to busy at all, meaning we never had to wait long in line, always a good thing if you ask me.  I might have patience, but it is limited I have been told.  

My first adventure was the Expedition Zork, a large wild water ride in which you go in treetrunks to brave a mountain.



Next we visited the Land of Toos, an indoor part of the amusement park where there where mills and even a short inside rollercoaster I of course had to try out.


In the hall next door, I went with mommy in the Wunderbaum, and of into the sky we went!




The next attraction wasn't for me though, a freefall tower of 17 metres, but this I didn't like at all.  The other present attractions though where more to my liking, with the Jumping Juna carroussel and the ride along the Magical Garden. 



Merlin's Quest was my absolute favorite, and we did it no less then 3 times during the day.  Going around in our boat, we entered the mystical lands of Tir Na Nog as it was opened by Merlin.

After that, we did another fun little roundabout, this time located in water, and water is always great!  So I went in first with daddy, and then again with mommy.

I met Toos and Morrel, and I must say that little piglet is great fun!

Time for lunch, I had some delicious fries, before going onto the carrousel with mommy and daddy.  


After keeping daddy happy with icecream, we went back into the park for another wild water ride, which we did twice in a row, and ending with daddy being soaking wet.  Luckily he was still in a good mood from his ice cream.

There where also some shows at the park, like with the fountains and Merlin telling how he defeated Morgana at last.


After a "crepe" while mommy was in one of the really wild rides and a little magical show, it was time to call it a day though, as believe me, these adventures are tiring!  But we did get some nice little souvenirs, as I got this lovely Morrel plate for my breakfast from now on, and daddy got a magical potion for himself.
A superb day for sure, many thanks mommy and daddy for taking me!

dinsdag 27 augustus 2024

Lord Ipsqueek's Adventures: Het Meerdal

 Greetings followers, rejoice for it is I, Lord Ipsqueek,with another epic tale of my fantastic journeys.

And this time, I went to the Het Meerdal Center Parcs family parc.

Now, first of all, I have been almost everyday in the swimming pool, but that goof of a daddy forgot to bring his camera there so you will have to take my word for it I swam olympic distances okay.

But that being said, there was so much more to do!  Of course, first things first, I needed to inspect the accomodations where I would be gracing around my presence.

Okay, big tub.  Place approved!

We went to the Aqua Dome to look around and get something to eat, so I decided we would have fries that first evening.

And a quick check of the little inside slide was needed as well of course.

On our first full day, I went to explore the inside playground, climbing nearly to the top of the whole place.  



But later in the day, I also found this outside slide honeycomb.

On the second day, I met a great friend: Choco, a very sweet and apparently always hungry pony.  It was such great fun to ride around on his back!

And at the evening, mommy and daddy fired up the BBQ (with some effort I must say) for some yumyums.

On the monday, we went to a magical place, but that is a story for tomorrow!

The park also had a children farm with all kinds of activities, and a large meadow to run around on.  


A bit more challenging, yet no less fun was the "Klauterwoud" where all kinds of activities can be undertaken, so I bravely set out to try them all.

Mommy and daddy tried the family quiz that evening, resulting in a decent result of 9th out of 23 teams.  Next time better old timers!


After a quick round trip to Germany the next day, we went to visit an outside and inside playgarden, Bij Nijholt.  I loved their big bouncy pillow I must say!

The final day, I spend mostly in the swimming pool... and in my huge tub!  Lovely amounts of foam to clean me up while daddy was off for his hobby.

Beer tasting, from a local brewery.  I must say he snoared just a few notches harder though that evening...

But that was it, my fun holiday in Het Meerdal, now to unwind a bit before going back to school next monday!