
donderdag 8 mei 2014

Inspirational Lego: The Guilds of Historica

Wel, I promised last time to bring the next instalment of Inspirational lego with all Guilds of Historica MoC`s.

Guilds of Historica, or GoH for short, is a setting created over at Eurobricks for builders and fans of a medieval fantasy setting, like the worlds of Tolkien, Dungeons and Dragons, that kind of thing, and consists of 4 `main guilds`.

Mitgardia: these are the vikings of the lands.
Avalonia: the one perhaps closest to the Kingdoms and Castles lines, this is the land of knights and unicorns
Kaliphim: the desert people of the setting, think 1001 nights and the likes
Nocturnus: the swamp dwellers and home of monstrous tribes.  Think more in the lines though of minority outsiders, not per se the evil that stalks the world.

When a player joins the Guilds, he picks one of the above as his home.  Now, every Guild runs it own seperate community builds, and there is always a `Book` going on, the tale of the lands as it is, in which the Guilds vie for domination.  A player scores points with his builds for the guild he is home to, even if he builds something set in the other lands (yes, you are allowed to do that).

But enough jibberjabber, let me present you with a selection (a small one, dozens of new MoCs are created every week, check out Eurobricks for lots of eye candy) of builds from the last weeks...

Belynia Village by Simon S

Albion Stables by Carson Haupt

Stables phase 2 and 3 from Age of Mitgardia, by Garmadon
The Sultan`s Gate by Gideon
Arrival at Vanguard by HammerBro
The Hold Fast by McCoyed
The Dead Son by MechaMike
Adens Gate by Mike S
The Deniz Aslani by Mike S
The Sultan`s Gate Southgate by Mike S
Beleriand by MkJoshA
Town Hall by MkJoshA
Floating Tower by Narbilu
Ormr Hinn Vioforli by Sigolf Brimabane

The Kazzar travel to Avalonia by Torgar
Sending Help to Avalonia by Wat Tambor

All these magnificent builds are but a small part of the ever ongoing adventures in the lands of Historica, as we are currently as told earlier in the second chapter of Book II, while in the meantime there is a naval arms race going on between Mitgardia and Kaliphim, as well as various other `in guild` community builds.

And now I`m off to hone my building skills further... For Mitgardia!!!

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