
zaterdag 31 januari 2015

Koken Eten: Lihapullat

Or as I tend to call this, Hutseknutsebutse...

Lihatpullat is basically a finnish meatbal, think Ikea balls but then finnish, with a whipped cream instead of a red berry saucy thingy.

Now, I actually made this past thursday, because I could do the preparations during the day, and as the Smurf has soccer practice after school, could finish it after his training.

Now, the biggest difference between a regular meatball and this recipy is that instead of mixing chapelure under the minced meat, you go for a piece of white bread that has been soaking for a few minutes in fresh, unwhipped cream.

Mix the meat, an egg, the cream, the bread, some pepper and salt and an onion all together in a huge mixing bowl.

Roll large balls from it, and those you bake lightly in pan.  Saving the baking juice that comes off, and put the balls in the oven, about half an hour at around 150 to 180 degrees...

For the sauce, use the remainder of the cream where the bread had been soakin in together with the baking fluid, and knock it together.

I served it with a baked potatoe, as for the purpose of easiness with the training I could cook them already in the afternoon and have them rest and dry out before putting them in the pan.

Easy peasy little dish...

Labour Rating: 2 - It`s easy, it takes a bit of time but this can be divided over the whole day.

GF Appreciation Rating: 8 - no problems here

Smurf Appreciation Rating: 9.5 - I was actually a bit nervous, as the little guy is someone who barely likes anything to eat.  But this was a winner.

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