
zaterdag 7 februari 2015

Inspirational Lego 5: Tolkien`s Middle Earth

And then, they where down to 8 as we enter the quarter finals of the MELO competition over on MOCPages.

But before we get to those, here are the 16 entrants that battled it out for a spot in round 3, which had as theme a character from the original Lord of the Rings trilogy.

As with the previous duel round, both entrants are listed with the character they needed to depict, and the person that advanced to the next round is marked in bold...

I actually like doing this (completely voluntary, no-ona actually asked) overview of this great competition, maybe I should be voluntaring all over the net for these administration duties LOL.  Nah, just kidding, this is something I`m gladly doing, make no mistake!

Captain Nemo vs Graeme Straughn - Boromir

Finn Tegotash vs Tim W - Sam

Dunedain98 vs Dodge - Legolas

Mark McPeek vs Graham Gidman - Pippin

Pieter Dennison vs Joseph Olson - Aragorn

Andrew JN vs Professor B - Frodo

No entry was apparently uploaded by Professor B

ForlonEmpire vs Bane of Seaguls - Gimli

Vladimir van Hoek vs Trevor Turco - Merry

And so we have it, the final rounds are now upon us as we will eb going from 8 to 4 to the finals, until One MoC shall Rule them all!

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