
vrijdag 10 februari 2017

Concerning Hobbits

The latest Tolkien display I completed for my Project Middle Earth, Concerning Hobbits is based around the rural life of the Hobbits...

Being a mixture of both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, it incorporates no less then 3 full sets and two limited edition figures.

The central feature of this build is of course the gorgeous set An Unexpected Gathering, or Bag's End, from the The Hobbit line.

Other sets I've included are the Gandalf Arrives set from the first wave of The Lord of the Rings range (and my first set I bought coming out of my Dark Ages), and the Frodo's Cooking Corner polybag set.

It also includes two limited edition figures with the Good Morning Bilbo polybag from the videogame, and the blue coated Bilbo (who was in the extended first Hobbit movie for like 30 seconds) from the BluRay limited edition steelbox.

Of course, I have an engraved brick in the front with the location, something I try to do with as much of the builds as possible...

Making a female hobbit (Lobelia was the intention) isn`t that simple, as the 2x2 slope is to steep to replace the slopes often used for regular size minifigs.  Instead, I went for 1x2 plates and cheeseslopes, to make the transition a bit softer.

Some other hobbits are around as well,  like Farmer Maggot and his two faithfull hounds (sorry, book material, he is barely visible in the movie).

The rest of the build is made up of hedges to give the rural feel, and the necessary wildlife and plants to give it that nice peace and quiet image.

Hope you like it!

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