
zaterdag 1 april 2017

Building Middle Earth episode 3

Hey all, first saturday of the month and then it's time to show the progress made on my Middle Earth building during march.

Which isn`t, truth to be told, much at all I fear.

The past month has had me mainly focussing on (finally) starting work on the Fredericksburg build, as this is a project that MUST be ready by november for the Crisis wargame show, so I prefer to get it ready if possible well in advance.
Well, at least on the scenery side of things, minifigures I can add over the coming 7 months until that is filled up... but the hill, wall and trees need to be done by then for certain.

As a result, I only did some work on the Frodo maxifig, building up the "brown" section aka his pants to the point where both legs "meet". 

The other thingie I did was make a small movie of one of my older builds to add to my YouTube channel, so you can see that one here:

April will be a month with limited building time, but never the less I plan to finish at least one small, special, easter based build.  Check back next month for more of this!

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