
zondag 9 april 2017

Opinion: France: a trip full of food and / for thought...

We're baaaaack... from a nice relaxing week in the sunny south of France, where I resided with the GF and the whole in-law family in the Languedoc area.

Our base of operations was Cabrieres, and as my pale complexion and bright sun there don`t mix all that well, I went to do two things: have a good thinking round, and get one last week of culinary debauchery before going even harder in the try to lose weight game.

So yes, most of my pictures are all centered around food, as I only joined on two big day out trips during the holiday, namely to the sea once (heat sickness was barely avoided), and to an old Knight Templars fortress on a hill top.

Now, I had some serious thinking processes to go through, as I was severely tempted to pick up wargaming again, like I said in my opinion piece before I left last week.  I "miss" the night out thing I don`t find myself having with Lego.

So during the first day, where the menu served a great pizza and an insane Cafe Liegois in Clairmont L`Herault, I was considering how much time I would like te rededicate to my old hobby... which has been part of my life for well, over half my life at 20 years.

Not to sure of the Irish coffee they serve there though...

The third day was for me the culinary top moment, with a fantastic bioveggie equipped pidgeon on the plate.

I spend most of that day in calculating "percentages" for myself, you know, fine tune the time and hobby budget and how I`d redistribute it if wargaming is coming back.  Now luckily, I still have a lot of my old armies, they just need a serious retouching (basically, strip and start over) for both my 28mm Union division as for my 6mm British.

Thursday was the Templar fortress, and to be honest, apart from some talking with the GF on how to handle the Lego / wargaming combo together with our mutual hobby, I was mostly enjoying this awesome view... and the chicken with special local mushrooms.

But then the next day, the whole family was to the sea again while I remained behind, and you can`t imagine what happened.
Someone TEXTED me on my cellphone because he had seen on Facebook that I wasn`t available all week for BeLUG related matters.  And he texted me to complain... that he found the hamburgers to expensive on Rock that Block, an event organised by another LEGO club in belgium, LCCLUG.  Now, I know it was foodtrucks, and I even thought the price on the even cheap side... no way i can get a burger for that money at a convention or foodtruck fare..

But really, sink that for a moment... he texted me, because he KNEW and SAW I was away on holiday.  To complain about the price of a BURGER.  At an event we aren`t even organising ourselves...

What did he expect, that I refunded him a few euro from the club treasury???????  Needless to say, he isn`t on my friends list anymore as I`m typing this... nor is my cellphone nr any longer on my FB profile.  And the reaction I received on it from a fellow board member, in that I have to be fine with "being harassed by members" blew me through the roof.  From now on, I`m redirecting each and every question to his FB profile.
Yes, that cuban helped me in my fuming down after the text

On the other hand, that really nailed my decision, and I don`t care if some people aren`t happy about it.  Or better said, I`ll honour my "engagement for another year" dixit that same board member, I just won`t care about it one cent anymore.  My intrest has fallen to a level comparable to what remained of the pidgeon I described earlier...

Luckily, the evening soothed the mind in the form of a good fish soup, sealife brochettes, and a plate of cheese in the lovely Bouzigues.

The final day was one of packing mostly, and a quick afternoon nap  while the kids went out for a swim.  We returned to the italian restaurant from earlier this week, but now I went for a more "homely meal" to conclude a lovely holiday.

Thanks to the family for an enjoyable week!

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