
vrijdag 22 december 2017

On the Painting Desk 26

The penultimate painting desk overview of the year, and a lot has been added this time round.

With the Knight rolling of the desk this week, it started to look empty... and then I got a mail from Curt.  So it`s all for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge now on the desk.

Well, mostly at least, as you can hear me brabble in the video.

But with my last moment entry into the Painting Challenge, I have been digging up all the projects I had been stockpiling in case I got into it, and assembling part of them already.

Lots of undercoating to do before Christmas still, and working on some entries already to get of to a good start, I might be switching paint wise between completing the few non-eligeble models on the desk, and the ones for the actual Challenge.

No idea where I will be standing next episode, as I`m working on a gazillion things at once now, cycling through all the various figures in order to start churning out entries on a regular basis soonish though.  But I aim to complete both the Helbrute and the Seekers from the "non" competition eligeble entries, while gunning for the Alpine Gnomes and ECW cavalry for the Challenge fist...

Let`s do this!

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