
dinsdag 9 januari 2018

TSA French Indian War big battle on the 3th of february

In a few weeks time, TSA is organising a big battle in the French Indian Wars setting.

During that day, the club is open for those that want to come have a look (and a drink, and a bite... at the bar, not in the figures please).

The game will be played using Ganesha Games Song of  Drums and Tomahawks, and the models will be provided by various players, as well as will the organiser, Patrick, deliver most of the scenery.

Talking scenery, our fantasy department will be there working on the scenery for the 40k big battle... but that is for another post in the future.

Yours truly will be present on the battlefield commanding his british detachment, so expect a full battlereport on this page around the 4th of february!

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