
zaterdag 29 september 2018

Ariete 32nd 1st squad

Okay, I admit, I am building a part of a force not to take to the battlefield as a whole, but to bring more varied armour to the table as support for my power armoured troops.

Earthshakers, Hellhounds... those lovely gems that can wreak havoc in a line.

And while the force might be stand alone in the end, I doubt I`d really be playing it by itself, though one never knows.

The regiment name I picked for the force is the Ariete 32nd, in "honour" of the Italians I always played in world war 2 games.  While the common plastic Cadian will become regular Militia squads, these dirt cheap units make up the bulk of your force even though they can`t shoot the barn door they just ran into.

For the colourscheme I`m grabbing back to that ww2 force as well, painting them all in desert colour uniforms with exquisite white uniforms for the higher officers.
If I ever included "special" guardsmen, who are elite, they will have plumes like the Bersaglieri did, while all the armour will be desert coloured as well.  Not really desert uniform though, green shoulderpads details will be added all round.  Not only do these contrast with the beige's, it is also a good base colour to put squad numbering on.

The system I`ll be using for that will be 32-x, where 32-1 like this squad means the first squad of the 32nd Ariete.  The other shoulder holds of course the icon of Slaanesh, as these guys are a Militia unit part of the Renegades and Heretics section of the army.

To that end, the lasguns casings have also been painted brown, to look like the rifles from the war.

So this first squad costs a measly few dozen points for 10 troops incl a Grenade Launcher, and with it's 5+ to hit, s3 in shooting is basically going to be used as a speed bump or deep strike preventing unit, before dying horribly as I throw them against whatever comes my way... or I`ll mount them up instead in the Chimera I also have standing around, and be a fast and cheap early objective snatcher until the better troops come along...

Now, to paint up those tanks...

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