
zaterdag 27 oktober 2018

The Scotti Return Dux Britanniarum battle report

Even after learning the scotti a lesson a few months ago, they invaded my shorelines once again.

Their target?  A rich villa near the coast, but alas for them they have been spotted by the local watchtower and reinforcements are on the way.

Can the valiant defenders hold out until their lord arrives?

My force was 2 Levy unit down, as a result of last weeks massacre.  Of them, a Noble was located in the tower with two units of warriors and the archers... archers who would become the doom of the scotti...

The Scotti came ashore with their usual mass of skirmish units and cavalry, so the key would be to make a wall and hopefully let their forces break on it.

My noble gathered his warriors and went forward, while the archers loosened a volley.  One raider fell overboard, while his noble already had to spend his Constitution of an Ox to avoid injury.

Flanked by skirmish cavalry, the noble went out for vengeance and advanced towards my defenders, while the rest landed to make haste to the villa.

Unit after raider unit assaulted the small shieldwall, and after a Goat it's formation was broken, but it had stalled the scotti forces for a long time.  Just as the Noble led his warriors in a final desperate assault, a horn sounded.

The Romano- British had arrived, and the cavalry lined up on the hill.  In the meantime, the Lord gathered his warriors and levy around him to form a massive shieldwall and block off the flank of the woods, sending his wicca's forward to reduce shock and keep the defenders in the battle as long as they could.

Alas, they fell to the sheer overwhelming numbers of the raiders in the end, but the noble was released back afterwards as war compensations.  The massive lord led wall now stood ready to take on the raiders on this side of the forest.

But then the thundering of hooves could be heard.  After slowly moving into position, taking out first the scotti archers, and the next turn the skirmish cavalry (with the help of a Carpe Diem card), the mighty charge began.

Looking a lot like the Rohirrim on the Fields of the Pelennor, the shock cavalry crashed in the scotti cavalry, who had only just seen their allies break down the doors of the villa.  The villa had held out thanks to a mighty spirit wall in front of the door, but had cost the raiders precious time.

After inflicting a massive 20 hits (my noble rolling 16 dice on his own with his magical sword, and card combo's), one unit of cavalry fled after recieving 18 shock.  The other unit, these ones elites, containing the scotti lord, was totally wiped out and the lord and his champion barely escaped with their lives.

The game was over, as the scotti morale tumbled under 0 after this.  In the end, I took home a +3 victory, good enough to not sustain any losses and to fill the treasury again a bit.  And this brought my morale to 16, one point short of declaring myself Dux Britanniarum in the campaign and going into the grand finale.

Next time it will be an actual battle, as my former allies both have gathered against my liege, and I will stand by his side with a plan. Or to retreat swiftly if it starts to look to shabby...

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