
donderdag 1 november 2018

Tom Bombadil

"But I had forgotten Bombadil, if indeed this is still the same that walked the woods and hills long ago, and even then was older than the old. That was not then his name. Iarwain Ben-adar we called him, oldest and fatherless. But many another name he has since been given by other folk: Forn by the Dwarves, Orald by Northern Men, and other names beside. He is a strange creature...
Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring

Yes, ever since I read the Lord of the Rings about 25 years ago for the first time, old Tom has always been my favorite character.

And I was so happy when he got released in the GW game, even though he is, together with Goldberry, banned from most tournaments and the likes.  Because Tom is the ultimate tank probably ever written in any game system.  Pop him against whatever you like, for example, I don`t know, Sauron, and you virtually take his opponent out of the game as a result.

And with an opponent that seemingly only assembles Trolls and Felbeasts it might be a good back up plan to have him painted up in the cabinet...

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