
vrijdag 2 november 2018

White Dwarf November 2018

So Orktober has arrived in the november issue of White Dwarf, as not only the Codex, but also the Speed Freaks game hits the shelf.

So let's have a look at our glorious fanzine, and you can decide wether it is worth the few euros for you...

Planet Warhammer: all the new releases, mainlining of course said Orky releases, but also licensed games and such.

Temporal Distort goes back to march 2009

Getting Started with... Necromunda: Underhive, a complete look at what you need to get going in the game of gang warfare.

Saga of a Slayer: takes a look at the old favourites of Black Library that are back: Felix and Gotrek

The Need for Speedin': takes a look at all the new (excellent btw) Ork vehicles that arrived this month with the Speed Freeks game.

Battle Report: Rev Yer Engines takes a look at how the new Speed Freeks game is played.

Golden Demon Classic 2018: a look at the diorama and Lord of the Rings categories of the contest

Battle Report: Dakkabad's Big Skrap puts the new Ork codex against the forces of the T'au Empire

The Ultimate Guide to... Destruction: a look at the Age of Sigmar forces of Destruction, with of course the Orruk in the central role

Hall of Fame Talking Heads takes a look at Citadel figures with, well, excellent heads.

Armies of Middle-Earth: a look at how to build a competitive force for the MESBG.

Collecting Unholy Crusade: a look at a massive Chaos army

Blanchitsu: more conversions based on the works of John Blanche

Battleground The Raid on Mawrack Peninsula takes a look at the latest display over at Warhammer World

Paint Splatter is well, all about the new Ork vehicles of course

Kit Bash: Da Mek's Workshop looks at various scratchbuild and kitbashed models for studio Ork forces.

Reader's Models

In the Bunker

Christmas Guide: a selection of the "big stuff" to ask your relatives for the holidays

Well, if you are into greenskins, this issue is a blast.  But if like me, they intrest you zilch, it has been a poor magazine this time round, with only a single article picking my intrest to be honest...

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