
vrijdag 18 januari 2019

Minas Tirith vs Mordor: MESBG Battle Companies report

So after my defeat at the hands of the White City in yesterday's report, we switched sides and now Noshi would lead the forces of the Eye, while I would try and fend off darkness.

The scenario we rolled was Plunder the Camp, so we moved the terrain around a bit to have the clearing in the center.

Now, this is quite a special scenario, as the defender (in this case the Orcs) could all flee off the board when broken, yet still win the scenario as the attacker hadn't lighted enough fires.  Because the end of the game is random, and you will hope for those extra turns and trying to put the stashes on fire.

The orcs deployed in their camp with the 5 objective counters, as the Minas Tirith men set up at least 6" away from their camp edge.  Shooting was heavily reduced in range due to it being played at night, yet if you hit, you would hit harder.

The Gondorians slowly advanced, while the orcs rearranged their battle lines to try and keep the good guys out of their camp.  A pot shot took down an orc archer before he could fire a shot at the encroaching enemy.

And then the men of Minas Tirith charged in, bound to put as much of the camp to fire.  As battles broke out around the edge of the camp, the Orc lieutenant fell in combat... and was duly joined by the Minas Tirith lieutenant... it seems no epic songs will be sung about those two.

But the orcs where beaten back and soon went under their breakpoint.  So this meant that the battle might end at every turn now...

With only two orcs brave enough to stay, Minas Tirith lighted three of the fires, which would result in a draw if the game ended now.  The orcs tried desperatly to keep the plate armoured warriors back as such.

But as one of them fell, the last one legged it, leaving the Gondorians with two chances (a 4+ roll is required) to light the last fires... which they did and taking victory back to the White City.

Well, that goes 1-1 between me and Noshi last week (and she kindly reminded me she was still leading 2-1) but it did go 2-0 for Minas Tirith in the games.  The Orcs really need to be more aggressive with their Might it seems, as the plate does offer some excellent protection, especcially combined with a shield.

But it was a good set of games, and we can look forward to playing it in the future again... once her elves are done and we can start a "true" campaign with effects and all.

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