
zaterdag 2 maart 2019

TSA Clubevening of the 1st of March 2019

Another week has gone by, and I was at the club once again yesterday, bringing you some pictures of the games being played this week.

The "main liner" so to say, aka the biggest one in play, was a 5-man Dux game part of the campaign.  The holy trinity of Bert, Arne and Joeri attacked Richard and Pierre.

Next to it, another Dux was in play, part of Glenn`s modified set for battling in the viking age.

A small party of adventurers, or better said, a daring duo, delved into Dungeons and Dragons.

There was a 2k battle of 40k going on, as the World Eaters (vainly) assaulted a Tau Gunline including the awesome Supremacy suit.

Cataclysm was being played as well.

No less then 3 League games of 40k took place.  The Sisters lost to the Guard, another Guard army went under against Waagh Mike and the Death Guard and Raven Guard fought each other to a draw.

The Star Trek tactical combat game was also put through it`s paces at Arno's table.

Napoleonic Command and Colours was present again.

Mars attacked in a game of 7TV between Koen and Vincent.

Full Thrust Star Wars style

The homebrewn Thundering Broadsides age of sail game was played again this evening.

Heroquest went really sci-fi-y this week...

And me?  I joined Jo in helping prepare terrain from TT Combat tonight, for use in our 40k mega battle in june...

So, with all digits still in place on my fingers, this was the overview of this week`s games...

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