
zondag 19 mei 2019

The Haul Report 181

A fresh week of hauling has past by, and the loot looks like this:

With fleamarket and garage sales season in full swing overhere, last sunday took me to the Dageraadplaats as such.

A,d there I found a game from 999 Games I honestly didn't know, Het Duel from the Tolkien franchise.  In this 2 player, average 30 minutes game, you recreate the battle between Gandalf the Grey and the Balrog of Moria.  They asked 7, I paid 5, and the game is spic and span in order, while online it still goes around 18 euro at retailers, so that's a nice bargain find.

I also aquired issue 7, the only one I missed atm, of SBG magazine, meaning I`m now `on par` with the release schedule.

From eBay, some more loose models dropped in, the first a set of two banner bearers, respectively of Lothlorien and Rohan.

Some more models came with a set of 10 metal Dead of Dunharrow, needed to fill out my regiments in "bases of 8" should I ever tackle War of the Ring.

The final arrival is actually a small item for Noshi, a Nendoroid stand for her Yoshinon figure.
A good week indeed...

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