
dinsdag 29 oktober 2019

The Shattering of a Legion

It is over.  The Emperor's Children have left my possession and moved to a new owner.

I have been thinkering a LONG time with the idea, for various reasons I touched upon on this blog a multitude of times in the past year.

Library sized moving for a game, constant revisions of the rules, those where just some of the reasons I got "burned out" playing Chaos Marines, combined with the fact I have been doing so for years already.  No, it was time for something else with less books and less FAQ hassle, so I decided to stick to my Battlesuits Tau force a while ago.

And now I found a new adoptive parent for the pink brigade, so three moving boxes later, they are off to a new life.  That I also didn`t need to pack them up a such for the house move or to take them to the BnB on Crisis is, well, a bonus.

And when I just couldn`t get round to painting even 5 figures in the past two months, I knew the drive for the force has ebbed away for good...

For the "history books", I fielded it in this current edition a total of 23 times (so that`s about a game a month since the edition appeared, not counting multi-players and such), of which 15 where victorious, a win ratio as such of 65% or about 2 out of every 3 battles I played, including an undefeated record in our club league.

The army gave me joy during 8th, but it had just ran it's course...

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