
vrijdag 13 december 2019

Holy Men statues scatter terrain

One of the benefits of having a heap of figures lying around with what you have no clue to do, is that you can always turn them into scatter terrain / objective markers.

And that is what happened to these statues of holy like men.

The models are actually from ages ago, I believe the DnD line even, by Ral Partha.  Normally suited to represent clergy in various role playing games, one of the things I`m not doing actually, I based them on 32mm round bases and drybrushed them various layers of grey.

This creates some excellent looking statues to scatter around the table in all manners of Fantasy games, the one with the sword even looking like he came straight out of Middle-Earth.

A nice little "in between" paint job to do, while you are working on other models.

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