
zaterdag 28 december 2019

The 2019 Won Give-aways

Yeah, I keep doing them Nemesis.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube... all those subscriver giveaways that pop up, and often don`t require more then a like, share and comment.

So for that small effort, why wouldn't I risk it to actually snatch up some free loot, and 2019 hasn`t been a bad year at all, with 5 prizes finding their way to my mailbox.

It all began this year with a set of Gothic Fences, which I`d won through the Facebook page of Tabletop Scenics.

Then in march, I snatched two at the same day actually: from KiriothTV I won a 10 GBP voucher for Element Games, while at the same time, I won Axel's pretpakket from the 80s Geek blog, a good selection of (in)famous B-movies and great comics.

During the summer months, Spikey Bits celebrated their anniversary, and there I gained a set from of Secret Armoury Mud special effects kit.

But perhaps the biggest win this year was when Archonia gave away a Myth Cloth of Capricorn Shura's God Cloth, a set quickly reaching a 100+ euro value...

So a good year it was indeed, for in the end minimal effort, tell me why I shoudln`t keep doing this ;-)

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