
zondag 8 december 2019

Titan Forge: terrible resin models

Okay, I`m not one to complain openly, easily... but these...

As you know, I plan(ned?) a Great wall inspired Empire army for The 9th Age... and ordered a lot of models from Titan Forge, both from their own webstore and through online retailers.

And each and every spearmen is horrible.  The spears are totally bend in all sorts of weird angles, and the material is a light grey, brittle resin reminding of Fail Cast.  Granted, the models don`t have air bubbles and a minimum of flash in the nooks, but for the money they cost, this doesn`t make me happy.

I`m contemplating now if I should either 1) try and bend them all using the hot water technique, or 2) replace the tops of the spears tout court with plastic ones salvaged from other kits.

Both are labour intensive for sure, and not something I look forward to doing to be honest, so it is something I`ll be pondering about in the near future...

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Tom, ik denk dat je nagenoeg alle van deze 'speren' vrij makkelijk recht kan krijgen met de heet water/ijswater methode. Misschien een domme opmerking van me maar het schjnen allemaal naginatas te zijn die in feite gekromd moeten zijn.

    1. Willie, de punt wel (also, de water methode vermelde ik hierboven al), maar kijk bvb eens naar de spearshaft van de spearman rechts onder.

      Ik heb al genoeg resin geklooid (Forge World, Raging Heroes, etc), but this stuff, no no no
