
vrijdag 13 maart 2020

AHPC10: Walking the dog

One of the games I am looking to (finally) get into, is Frostgrave.

Now, the angle I gave myself is that I am going to print all the models myself with the Ender 3.

To that end, I have this awesome link for you all to share, it's a Shapeways store, but all the files are free to download for the complete Dungeons and Dragons Monsters Manual.

As such, as I don't have the rulebook and such, but just some dribs and drabs on things one can include from seeing the game played at the club.

So my first two test prints I painted up are "safe shots", in the form of a Mastiff henchman a,d an Animated Armour which a wizard can conjure as a trooper before the battle.

Nothing fancy as such, just a small 10 points to the tally as such.

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