
maandag 23 maart 2020

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge 10: personal conclusion

And so the 10th challenge came to an end, and in a brand new format of a treasure map game.

And I must say, I liked that system a lot!

The benefit I see to it, as a participant, is that you can now plot a course to get your bonus points collected, instead of with bi-weekly deadlines whom tended to steal away your valuable painting time during the course of the challenge, and leave other entries half finished.

Even with Baby Thorin deciding that my Hobbit Hole and the constant rambling of the Ender 3 is the best place to doze off...

Now, I must admit I got into a time crunch as well this year even with all the meticulious planning in the beginning, babies seem to do that to you, so a couple of entries where shortened in from full regiments (the Chaos Dwarves, the 6mm musketeers, ...) to smaller scale entries, and some never got out of the starting blocks ( a full 6mm army for the italians in Russia for example, or a Blood Bowl team).
On the other hand, I did round out two full forces in one go, with my Italian Cruel Seas fleet (which was my biggest entry points wise) and a 6mm Belgian army.

But those where entries from in the beginning, and like in my previous participations, come half of january my speed tended to drop due to a variety of reasons.  I am going to have to take this into account next edition for sure...

But the numbers for this year!

In the end, I amassad a nice 1127 points, which is 127 above my set goal of 1k, and that target was already higher the,n the previous two years (where I had noted down 750 as a goal).  While I didn't score a personal best of over 1500 pts like in the first year, the only real time pressure I got was the Snow Lord finale.  I should have done like others, and visit it asap, then go on the scenic route.  In the end, I made this map of my "by location" entries, and ended up with those included with a nice 27 entries total, averaging about two per week.  Not bad at all...

Now, I managed to visit quite a few of the locations, and had the challenge gone on for 1 more week, the Awdry's Atoll would have been feasible as well.  But heck, with 11 locations visited, that wasn't to shabby for my taste and time.

The challenge reduced the lead mountain in the end by 203 figures, and that is after all everything it is about: getting stuff done (okay, granted, stuff was added for the challenge, and the things never began will go in the closet until next year probably hehehe), so it was another great heap of fun.

It's just a pity I can't get the time of commenting on a lot of entries, because while I did view a lot of them while at work, I just forgot to revisit them in the evenings for some well meant compliments, so by this route, congratulations all to making it a visually very lovely challenge once more.

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