
vrijdag 27 maart 2020

Wargame Hobby Bingo: post AHPC update

With the AHPC behind us, and me managing to not only grab XXth place (out of 68 participants), I also managed to paint a hefty XXX models this edition.

And as a result, some of the squares on the bingo have been scratched away.

The first one to be completed was "Paint all of the models in a Faction starter box", as I entered the full contents of this set into the challenge, because I needed them for a tournament:

An almost auto-score this year, especially with all the epic stuff and BKC models, was "Paint a vehicle", and it was these guys that made me scratch it out:

"Finish painting a model that's been in your to do pile for over a year" must have been done a dozen times, because that is generally what the whole AHPC is about and what keeps motivating me to participate.  So for the good of the chart, let's take Queen Maud, the 2016 Crisis figure I've been wanting to paint up since the show, in order to include her on the The vault tab above.

And I also grabbed "Paint a model for an army that you don't already collect and play", as I began building a force for Frostgrave... with the added angle of printing my whole band by myself.

"Paint a Monster" was completed in sixfold, with those stone golems for my Infernal Dwarf army.

"Repaint a Pre-Painted Miniature" happened with the gashapon models in this 6mm force, who come from UFO toy catchers in softplatic.

"Build and Paint a Scenery kit" was completed with this Tattooine house, literally build as layer upon layer of plastic was printed together hehehe.

"Sculpt something on a Model" was achieved as my printed Baby Yoda his ears wouldn`t come out well due to him being only 17mm tall, so I sculpted on new ones using greenstuff.

"Make something for your hobby that's not for the battlefield"... okay, how about a complete hobby room then gnargnargnar...

So that is a nice start for sure on the challenge, and I hope to get some more done in the coming months, as I`ll be spending evenings at the desk accompanied by Lord Ipsqueek.

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