
zondag 12 april 2020

Lord Ipsqueek's Adventures: New skills unlocked

Hey hey everyone, it's me, baby Thorin.

And now that I'm already 5 weeks old, I have learned some new skills!

For one, I learned to grapple really good, and daddy's sweater cord was just the excellent hold-on to be able to safely take a nap.

Talking nappies, I love doing them so much, and in the peace and quiet of the nighttime, I can already sleep almost 5 hours often, reliving my day and thinking further about my plans for a kingdom of my own!

Though I had some bad days as well this week, those tummy cramps are no fun as they make me cry at times.  But once I get over them, I can poop rather well!

Or make that, really well, in that not even my diaper can sustain it!

Sorry daddy hihihi...

But for the rest, it has been a quiet week for me, even thoug I also learned to actually stay awake when we go on an outside stroll... all the way right until the first corner!

They shouldn`t make nappies so much fun okay!

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