
dinsdag 14 april 2020

Rivendell Spearmen

At last I obtained two metal spearmen for Noshi's Rivendell battle company, and I went to swiftly paint them so she can field her band of choice.

Though seeing how she tends to trash me, I'm not sure if the raised defence, extra attack so the double handers can feint or strike two-handed, supporting pointy ears make a happy prospect.

But it are still awesome models though, and now the Rivendell starting warband is completed as well, so that's one more to scratch off the "to do" list of collecting all the starting battle companies.

By the end of the year I'll probably do a post again on how many of the bands I now have finished, as well as taking a look on what I need in case the campaign kicks off at our place middle 2021 now due to the Corona pandemic.

As an added bonus, this adds another 22 points towards the 700 point goal of Rivendell this year...

And if it doesn't at least we'll have choice a plenty for our average kitchen table game!

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