
woensdag 27 mei 2020

Lord Ipsqueek's Adventures: Field tripping

Okay, before we proceed, let me make on thing clear...

Right, so now that we settled the hierarchy, welcome to my adventures from this week.

I`m now 12 weeks old, and almost at 6 kilo's, as I`m growing into a healthy boy.  So I decided I wanted to go exploring the outside world this week, yupyup.

My first short expedition meant I could observe the trees in the local park, as well as a few days later the local wild animals.  They looked dangerous and ferocious (I think those are those T-Rexes daddy talks about), but fear not reader, I protected mommy as the hero that I am.

With my fist of steel, here seen smacking over a hairy gorilla!

Just kidding, me and daddy are great friends, always in for some "conneries" when mommy isn`t watching ;-)

Though I think daddy is abusing my exercising armshakes a bit, as he has me hold his little paint bottles when I do.  he says it's for my finger coordination, but I suspect he is just to lazy to shake them himself.

I also went out for a BIG expedition this week, so I put on my explorer's hat and marched off to discover the world.

It was a very tiring trip mind you!

But there I found my own personal bed and could enjoy the outdoor air while playing.

Yes, it is always great fun with the family, and I know they love me so much, just look at our most recent family photo.

I also did something very, very cool, I went swimming!  In the Baby Spa, where I first got a massage and then could go swim in the hot tub, how awesome was that!

But now, I`m gonna hug my favorite doo-doo a bit and then I`m off for the week, as it's time for another nappie!

See you next time, when I will be 3 months old officially!!!!

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