
zondag 17 mei 2020

The Haul Report 229: Jyn finally arrives

It has taken some feet in the earth, but at last my commander for the TSA Star Wars Legion league has arrived, Jyn Erso.

Now, with the whole Covid-19 affair following on Wayland having been out of stock and FFG not delivering due to the pandemic, I had to cancel a part of my order, but at least this model came through after almost 4 months.  Not their fault, and they did a great service job, but now I`m waiting for the right moment to order the rest of my force...

But that was not all that arrived by a long shot.  My regular ebay go-to guy has delivered again, and a nice selection of Dunland warriors, Orc Trackers and a Fiefdom warrior arrived by mail.

More Lord of the Rings arrived from a find on a local FB trade group, in two of the older books, ideal for the scenarios (and nostalgia).

And even more MESBG, as this classic blister was given to me by a fellow TSA member who had found it rummaging in his pile of shame.

Finally on the MESBG front, my order from Bargain Games arrived, adding some more Hobbits, including a very special one, to the collection.

Games Workshop finally delivered as well, as they have been closed for almost a month due to Covid-19, as White Dwarf 452 fell on the doorstep.

I did do some minor printing this week, as it took a while before I got round to fix an apparent clogging of the nozzle, but I did churn out a bush and a Magic Portal.

And that's it for this week, drop by next sunday to see what has been added!

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