
dinsdag 23 juni 2020

Review: cheap trees from China

If there is one thing you need for any gaming table, it are trees.

Wether playing historical, fantasy, sci-fi, large battles, skirmishes... it seems you always need just that one forest more.

And face it, trees are in general not that cheap at all, wether you go to a dedicated wargame scenery creator or a train models store.

Now, for 6mm, the Z scale range works really well, and I was strolling through eBay (though they are exactly the same on AliExpress, Wish and more as well) and stumbled upon whole ranges of 1/300 scale (and for that matter, larger as well) trees.

So I decided to try them out and order some various sets, the first one already having dropped on my doorstep this week.  I guess it made the boat right on time, as I usually calculate around 2 months for those sorts of Free Shipping things to arrive from China.

The lot is a bag of 50 trees in 1/300 scale, and costed a "hefty" 5.02 GBP, and free shipping.  So I immediately ordered 5 bags of those, under the idea of "fool me once".  They arrived as I said really swift, and they actually don`t look half bad.

The trunks will require perhaps a bit of ink to make them look less plastic, but the flock ratio for the leaves is pretty good.  Just take care opening your bag, some flock will be lingering around in it.

The trees do not have flat bases though, so take into account a bit of work might be required.  Either base them on isolation foam or some cork board.  I personally am planning on the latter, and then attaching the bit of cork to a 3d printed base or so, I will have to look that over.  Of course, green stuff and the likes is also a solution, but for 250 trees that would mean a lot of clayrolling...

So yes, these are definitly good trees for a table, dead cheap and well scaled.  They are on eBay under the name "50 model train trees scenery landscape 1:300" when I bumped across them, from various sellers (though I suspect it is actually all the same company).

Now to base up some woods...

1 opmerking:

  1. Cheap because China has emerging nation postage rates. They are in no way an emerging nation anymore.
