
woensdag 22 juli 2020

CSIR for BKC IV: first riflemen done

Slowly and surely I have begun painting on my 6mm World War 2 italians for the russian front, the CSIR (Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia).

Woefully outarmoured and underequipped to face the russian might though, this will be a mainly infantry army to take to the field of battle, mostly supported by cannons and AT rifles to try and hold off the T-34's and the likes.

To that end, I started the force with the first completed infantry riflemen squads, models made by Adler, to serve as the backbone of the force.

These 7 stands give me the option of, in theory, already go to the aimed 3000 points for the force, as you need 2 of them minimum for each full 1000 points of the list.   Though with an infantry heavy force, that will mean there will be a heap more stands to bolster the numbers.

And so the first steps are taken to facing serious opposition and how to deal with tank-iness...

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