
zondag 12 juli 2020

Lord Ipsqueek's Adventures: 4 months and a bite

Yeah, you guys got the pun?  Did ya, did ya?

Well, last sunday I turned 4 months, and that meant I could give eating solid food a try.  Mommy and daddy made me some fennelpuree, and while it is still a bit odd to "chew", I did like the taste.  Not a single tear was shed, neither with the fennel nor with the sweet potato a few days later.

I did run into a bit of a pickle though this week, as it seems my pet elephant Kai-Toek brought along her big brother to tell me not to shake her around so hard...

For the rest, it has been the regular week of a 4 month old to be honest, starting with some hard working...

... before relaxing with some classics...

... only to fall asleep exhausted!

But, it's weekend, so that means movienight with mommy and daddy!

See you all!

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