
maandag 6 juli 2020

Project Far Side: update 2

So we are a few weeks further down the road of this insane project since my last update, and let's see how it has been turning out.

For one, the printbed on the Ender 3 has been changed, so that is already a handy thing.  The fact I needed to reslice all my gcode's for the higher required bed temperature on the other hand was, well, less of a fun moment.

But the line is running again, and while buildings have been churning out, painting has been going on as well, and I got another nice selection of "mix and match" ready this fortnight, good for 36 scenery pieces of all sorts.

For Tattooine, dwellings have been churned out:

While the Necron Jungle planet has seen a fair amount of foliage added:

But I've been busy on the two larger planned ones as well, the epic table:

And the generic sci-fi one:

Now, for the coming weeks, I`m going to be "focussing" on a table in particular, in order to have one completely ready (or as good as) by the time the clubhouse re-opens, and I can get some games in.

See you all next update!

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