
woensdag 26 augustus 2020

The Dragon Prince season 1

Developped for Netflix, this cartoon takes the high adventure as human and moonshadow elf unite to protect a dragon egg.

The series has recently been confirmed for a fourth season, but me and Noshi just completed season one, or Book 1: Moon as it is called, spanning 9 episodes.

In this season, Moonshadow assassins are set out to the human kingdom to retrieve a dragon egg, thought lost after the humans defeated the Dragon King and instigating war with the elves.  While the king is slain, his heir manages to escape together with a wizard apprentice and a disvowed Moonshadow elf assassin for showing mercy to a guard.

The king is succeeded by his evil cousin, as the heir and his companions have to flee the lands to keep the egg safe...

This wasn't even a bad series, even though I like the japanese animation style far more then the american cgi styled one.  But the series has a strong background tale and the bonding and the development of our main characters is excellent in this first season.

I look forward to give the next ones a go for sure!

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