
woensdag 11 november 2020

Desecration: Zarbag's Gitz vs Fomoroid Crusher solo batrep

 Zarbag and his mates are back for another go against the Fomoroid Crusher (which again looks suprisingly Mordor Trollish, I really should order him soon before Brexit comes into play) in the second of the three solo scenarios from A Crushing Terror.

And this time, at first glance, it looks like they are in for a rough day again!

In order to Inspire for the goblins (bar the Fanatic and the Squigs), one needs to get three Glory Points, but they can`t score those in these sologames, OR an objective needs to be destroyed by the Crusher.  But with three objectives on the board, and the game ending once those are gone, that means two regular gobbos only can Inspire...

Setting up the table, I`m forced to already sacrifice two goblins, and went for the archers.  This is because in the second scenario, the first action (actually his activation actions third from the four) he will take is Breaker, which causes an instant three damage to one model in contact.  In the first turn I`ll go with a random roll, but after that it will be the model with the highest damage causing potential that will be on the receiving end.

The Crusher himself inspires once he can destroy an objective, so I`ll be throwing gitz against him piecemeal in order to keep him locked in place, and hopefully do some points of damage left and right before both his hit points and defence statistic increases.

The cards are drawn (with Pit Trap being useless, so that one will be turned in at the end of round 1) and under a loud bellowing, the game is underway.

Round 1

With a mighty smash, Stikkit is immediatly reduced to a pulp by the Crusher, causing 3 damage on the little goblin.  In the ensuing Power phase, Little Waagh is played, as are the Madcap Mushrooms.

Snirk then activates, but not Inspired, as he has a 3 damage attack.  He charges in and with the Little Waagh in play he manages to cause a critical hit and bypass the Crusher's rule of 2 damage maximum per attack action, causing 3 wounds on the big beast.
The Fomoroid then activates again and uses Breaker on poor Snirk, but in a reaction the Fungal Blessing caused another wound.  This means the poor guy actually knocked off 4 of the 10 wounds from the beast!

Drizgit now activates and charges in, and also manages to hit for 2 wounds.  The Fomoroid seems to be in a hard place as his Breaker action only takes down one git at a time, and they keep to lock him in place.  That said, he breaks Drizgit in very small pieces, but this Inspires the two squigs and now there are two bouncing balls of teeth eyeing him, and with Cleave to boot!

The first of them, Gobbaluk, immediatly goes for his ankles and takes a good chomp out of them before he gets flattened himsef, but the monster might actually go down in the first round of the game as it only has two wounds left!

It might come down to the other squig, Bonekrakka, who ferociously bounces in, but will he be able to finish the Crusher as the dice are rolled and...

... YES, they succeed as the Crusher goes down, it's final two wounds bitten away together with his face!

A suprisingly easy victory for the Gitz, even though every action of the Fomoroid smashed one into a pulp without any chance for the plucky warriors.  But in this scenario, where the Crusher doesn`t has his whirlwind like action, keeping him locked in place to prevent him from reaching the objectives does work wonders.
That is, if your dice co-operate, because if you fail to wound him with your higher damage output warriors before they are smashed, things might turn very, very different!

But a short, yet brutal game and good fun all in all, and this concludes my triumvirate of Underworlds posts this week, with a painted warband, an unboxing and now this battle report.

Until the next game!

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