
zondag 20 december 2020

The Haul Report 260

 Either santa came early, or my mailman has been cursing for my last UK orders before Brexit hits...

 But needless to say, there where some big boxes at my doorstep this week, and let's have a look at what was in them.

The large, flat box from Games Workshop contained Direchasm, a White Dwarf AND my limited edition coin of Direchasm.

The big box, coming from Wayland Games, containes the core for my The Great Wall force for T9A I still plan on working on.

And the small box contained my last forge World order with the Shiriff characters, who where out of stock last time I ordered there.

And from Spain a day later, arrived these beauties!!!!

Alas, this week also marked the final purchase from my go to eBay guy, as there is no exception for low value shipments with the Brexit...

My Dark Realms Patreon was delivered again for the first part, with more Arkenfell expansions in the form of these ruined houses.

So a very, very good week indeed!

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