
dinsdag 26 januari 2021

AHPC11: The Hatchery: Dragon Hatchling

 Entering the second level of our decent into the Chambers of Challenge, we arrive in a large room called The Hatchery.

And the theme of the setting is "something that came out of an egg".

While my initial idea was to paint up some raging dwarf shouting Leeeeroy Jenkinssssss I instead went for another model.  Rummaging through my pile of figures I printed up for DnD (delayed due to you know what), I came across this dragon hatchling.

Now, there is no particular reason the little beastie is of the Blue Dragon variety other then that I was working on another entry with blues in it mostly, so that's rather easy going.

And as such, for this chamber I have a single 28mm figure painted up, and the journey continues onwards!

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