
zondag 24 januari 2021

Star Trek Discovery season 3

 Well, this was an odd one for me...

Don't get me wrong, I don`t believe Discovery is bad at all, and Noshi took a liking to it as well.  But, well, some things.

The Discovery, after the finale events of season 2, finds herself stranded 900 years in the future.  The Federation is but a shell of itself, pushed back to a single hidden starbase and counting only 38 member planets, none of their originals included.  Vulcan (now Ni'Var) still finds it's pacing with the Unification that Spock had begun all the way back in The Next Generation, Earth has turned in herself and Andor is now in an alliance with the Orions, the Emerald Chain.

And so the crew starts to not only find their footing and rebuild what is possible of the Federation ideal, but they also investigate an event that transpired 125 years ago when all the dilithium in the universe suddenly exploded.  This event, called The Burn, is the reason the Federation fell apart as in a matter of moments, billions where lost and long distance travel became impossible.

This season as such also carries back to the ideal of Star Trek, exploring strange new worlds (or, in this case, often rediscover old, familiar worlds) and carrying the torch of co-operation.  But there where downsides for me as well this season, and I`m not talking the finale where the Discovery's interior is like a gazillion times to big in the turbolift sequence.

No, this is the first season I actually was annoyed with the "Michael Burnham does everything" syndrome, and even though she gets the chair flying into season 4, she was just to omnipresent for my liking.  Other mainstay character like Stammets really became glorified cameo's.  
The other thing I was a bit urgh about, is the actual cause and source of The Burn.  While it has been worked out very well for what is was, it was just, well, underwhelming for something that impacted the galaxy so hard.

But on the other side, the series DID bring the Abramsverse into the canonical fold, and in a pretty nifty way I must say.  And we met a very, very old face again...

All in all, it wasn`t a bad season, and the idea was really great in my opinion, but the main point above distracts a lot from it, so let's see how season 4 will handle this new dynamic before placing a final judgement.  Like every Trek series, this has been the season it became it's own storyline, and a 32nd, the Federation is not almighty, setting is very intresting for sure to explore!

Let's Fly!

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