
woensdag 24 februari 2021

AHPC11: Lair of the Beast: Fomoroid Crusher

 And so our descent through the Chambers of Challenge comes through an end, as we stand before the sealed door to the final challenge.

But in order to get there, one must first face this last quest, the Lair of the Spider (well, it became Beasts).

I decided to go for the Fomoroid Crusher from the WarCry range by Games Workshop, a game I read a lot of good things about, but which I haven`t gotten round to play yet, let alone finish a warband.  But I really liked the model, and it is also your protagonist in the Underworlds solo game mode, though as I only completed him now, he has been stand in by a Mordor Troll when my Zarbag Gitz faced the challenge.

It's actually quite a tall model, about twice the size of a GW Ogre, and slightly smaller then the old giant, and it is full of details.  I really liked painting this guy up, and of course being me I couldn`t resist from giving him a slightly Slaanesh influence with the pastels for his clothing and hair, providing just that hint of following the god of Excess as such.

And now it is time to enter the Altar of the Snow Lord, and face the final challenge that will be set before me!

Points wise I have no actual idea on this beast, it is a big bloke standing about two and a half times in height of a stormcast, and I guess it takes about as much plastic volume as for example a 40k attack bike or the likes.  Better safe then sorry, I aim at 10 points for it?  Together with the room that means 30 points total, AND putting me over my 1k goal for this year, huzzaaaah!

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