
woensdag 10 februari 2021

AHPC11: The Shrine: Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven

 As we descend ever further down the Chambers of Challenge, we stumbled upon a shrine, dedicated to the God of Murder, Kaela-Mensha-Khaine.

In all the blood and gore, his priestesses, known as the Daughters of Khaine, where seen bathing to preserve their unearthly beauty...

For this entry, I painted up the Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven from the Warhammer Underworlds range.  I wanted these ladies as my band to go to tournaments, but as it stands with Covid, they will actually be cycling out their generic cards before events pick up again hopefully late 2021.

But heck, it are gorgeous sculpts, and I must say that over the past year or so, it seems GW is pulling out all their stops on fantasy again, as the models imho look way better then their 40k counterpart.

And that goes especially for their small skirmish games, like Underworlds.  While some bands don`t appeal to me (anything Nurgle or Skaven for example), there doesn`t seem to be one ugly sculpt even amongst them.

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