
zaterdag 6 februari 2021

Rangers of Shadow Deep batrep: Tor Varden Upper Level

  Bruised and battered, Loraliel's company approaches the top level of the Tor Varden, when suddenly they hear a noise behind them.  Preparing for another confrontation, they are pleasantly suprised as another Ranger party appears, send to reinforce them.

So while this is my third and final scenario from the Beacon Tower mission, it comes with an unexpected twist.  Noshi wanted to try out RoSD as well, and so we created a warband for her, and threw her into the Deep (pun intended).

Instead of starting a new mission, considering my Ranger isn`t that experienced either this was a such a good point as any to have her join, and should she like it, she can chose in the future when I set up a solo game whether she wants to join or not.

Now, I didn`t have enough scenery tiles to make an actual tower upper level, so I decided with the previous scenario that it is actually a collapsed / ruined tower where the battle takes place in, so the grassy floor is visible, with dungeon tiles littered again around the edges to give the feeling of a cracked and partially overgrown floor.

My ranger, Loraliel, was joined in this scenario by his rohirrim companions, Theomir the Archer and Iramer the Man-at-Arms, while newly recruited wizard focussed ranger Noshi brought along the Rogue Vindi and the Archer Nova. 

Opposing the rangers where Gnoll archers and a Gnoll fighter, bravely proxied by Mordor Orcs once more, and the Shadow Knight himself, being on of the fearfull Nazgul!  The sacrifice is strapped to the wooden construction in the centre, and the heroes start their entrance into the courtyard... but will they be swift enough to stop the dark ritual taking place?

Turn 1
Loraliel enters the courtyard first together with Iramer and Nova, overviewing the situation.  Gnoll archers are on the walkways, and while the ranger misses his shot, Nova lightly wounds one.  However, in the returning volley Iramer is hit gravely.
Turn 2
Noshi and the remaining companions arrive at the scene, as Loraliel charges the gnoll fighter but neither wounds each other.
Iramer also charges but suffers a cut in the duel, as Theomir mortally wounds a gnoll archer, making it plummet to it's dead in an anguished scream.

Noshi wounds another with her crossbow, but the beast keeps his balance as Iramer suffers some more wounds in his fight with the hulking Gnoll.
But a cry rings out, as while the beacon of Tor Dargos can be seen far off, emitting an eerie green light, both Noshi and Vindi start feeling a strange sensation as if poisoned.

Turn 3

Noshi acts quickly, and with a well aimed crossbowbolt downs another Gnoll archer.  

At the same time, Loraliel engages the gnoll fighter, allowing Iramer to drink down his Potion of Restoration and getting back in the fight.  

As Vindi becomes engaged with the brutal Shadow Knight, a combined volley from Nova and Theomir takes down the final Gnoll archer.


Turn 4

Loraliel doesn`t manage to overpower the Gnoll, as Iramer and Vindi manage to wound the Shadow Knight.

Deciding to unleash all her eldritch power stored in her, Noshi split casts her Magic Bolt on both the evil creatures... and in a flash of arcane streaks, both are put down, glowing holes burned through their chests...

Tor Varden has been reclaimed as the dark ritual gets disrupted by the brave heroes!

The Aftermath

As there where neither heroes knocked out, nor any treasure tokes to be found, the end phase for the scenario was pretty forward: tally up the gained XP.

That was a total of 54 for the scenario, as all 3 Gnoll archers yielded 3 each (oddly, the fighter doesn`t grant any), as did the Shadow Knight yield 10.  Preventing the victim to be sacrificed and the pile to be lit was another 10 XP each, while 5 points where gained for seeing the beacon of Tor Dargos being ignited.  A final 10 points where obtained for retaking Tor Varden by slaying all the enemies.

Progress wise, for Noshi it just meant a good chunk of experience, while her companions gained some progress points.  For Loraliel, level 3 was reached, granting him 10 BRP's and both his companions levelled up as well and gained +1 to their Health score.
A bit pity for her, because her rookie by far outperformed my slightly more experienced band...

And so ended the first game Noshi played in Rangers of Shadow Deep, and she liked it.  I`m going to start preparing the next mission so we can start a full series together, but this seems to be a keeper for the occassional game evening.

I must admit, two Rangers present means a world of difference, as the companions can now act instead of react, and that does change a lot at times to save your Rangers!

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