
woensdag 17 maart 2021

Into the Night

 A Netflix original, AND a Belgian production, this 6 episode long series (already confirmed btw for a second season) was sublime.

Sometimes a bit of chauvinism is allowed... even though overhere, that doesn`t happen often...

The series takes place in the current day, as a nightflight for Moskou is being prepared.  Suddenly, an italian NATO officer hijacks the plane, forcing it to take off with the few passengers already on board.  he reveals something is going on with the sun, and people drop dead the moment the sun comes up.

This makes the passengers some of the last survivors of mankind, as the plane has to keep flying eastwards to keep ahead of daybreak.  But everyone on board has their own story, and own dark secrets, which are gradually being revealed as they flee around the world, from a kind man actually being a gangster, to a woman going to great lengths for her sick child.

As they start to encounter all sorts of logistic and personal problems, they also keep looking for a way to survive, because they can`t stay in the air forever after all...

A really captivating series, as we binged through it, and I even forgive them when in episode 5, one of the characters flees to her home in Brussels to try and die... because they show Antwerp cathedral and the Central Station then.  I know those places, I live and work there for decennia ;-)

With the open ending, I can`t wait what the second season will bring.  But for now, if you haven`t, make sure to watch this little gem on Netflix!

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