
zaterdag 13 maart 2021

On the Painting Desk 186

 This is it, the last Painting Update of this year's AHPC.

The 11th Challenge, and my fourth, ends next saturday, and once again I made my goal.

But I still need to finish the The Dread Pageant warband, for my Altar trophy, and I`m facing a week with very limited free time, Noshi recuperating from a heavy knee surgery and baby Thorin only wanting to walk around "on the fingers" means I`m quite busy at the moment.

But in general, if I can get those done I`m fine, I finished two other smaller entries in the past week, ready to upload "sometime" this month, and then we call it quits for this edition.

It was great fun yet again, but wth RL doing a bit urgh, hard at times to reach deadlines.  Now to already start thinking about next year... and hoard a LOT of anime styled models just for that...

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