
woensdag 7 april 2021

Middle-Earth Hobby Bingo update 1

The AHPC has ended for once again another year, but during the course of the three month challenge, I managed to get some MESBG done in as well.
To that end, I managed to scratch off some squares:


Paint a model for an army you don`t currently play: one of the early entries in the AHPC where these Hobbit archers, a force I haven`t fielded yet as I will need to paint a lot of the little guys still.

Finish a model that has been in your to-do pile for over a year: well, loyal fatty Bolger has actually been in that limbo for no less then 4...

Not to bad for a year in which I used the challenge mostly for all sorts of different ranges and projects, and once I (finally) get going at the Easterlings, some more squares should be able to be scratched off...

Though my first target is going to be the Battle Companies one I reckon...

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