
dinsdag 11 mei 2021

Attack on Titan season 2

 Okay, this was a time for turbo binging, using any possible free half hour to watch one of the 12 episodes of the second season.

The reason?  To continue with season 3 together with Noshi, now that the series ran it's course.
Now, you might remember I liked season 1, but wasn`t certain where the whole hype came from, apart for the epic opening music.  So now we have season 2, with an even more epic opening, but what would the season bring me?
Well, joy for one.  I really liked the story, on how the Titans apparantly don`t come from behind the wall, but that there is a big monkey like Titan running around awakening titan genes in people, as more seem to be able to transform into them apart from Eren.

And that includes some even in the 104th Scouting regiment, as becomes clear when some of the recruits get trapped inside a ruined castle.  But the rescue also learns there are more amongst them, and with some serious malevolent plans.
So now it comes down to Eren and Ymir (what a waifu she is!) to decide on how to tackle this crisis...

A good season for sure, and yes, I am starting to understand the whole hype now.  I`m not there yet, nor doubt I will ever be, but I can definitly start appreciating the series after this second season.

1 opmerking:

  1. Just wait until you get to the latest season! My advice is don’t google anything to remind yourself of the overarching mythos as you’ll end up accidentally spoilering yourself, I had less than no idea what was going on the first few episodes and ended up reading something I shouldn’t...
