
woensdag 22 december 2021

MechaTop DLC 3: Francesca Rescue

 The third, and recently released, DLC expansion for MechaTop, available HERE.

And this time, it's a search and rescue campaign following immediatly on the events of the second one, Gaia's Revenge, which I blogged about a while ago.

Commanding your mecha and a host of generic vehicles, you must break through the enemy lines, enter their base and rescue Fransesca.  But the enemy won`t go down without a fight, and they are very well equipped to face off against you.

The campaign is tailored to one until infinite players, as the available forces are split into seperate teams, each commanded by a player.  Single player is of course having the opponent controlled by the SOLO deck, and is at easy mode, while all the other number of players make it hard mode.  See the Challenge dlc volume for a bit more on those difficulty modes.

While the generic vehicles are limitless, it is worth remembering that fielding mecha depends on their rarity and the size and type of game.  The fun thing about their campaigns, as they follow up, is that you are still using the character from all the way back in the first campaign book.

Now, don't think this campaign is a breeze, you are often at a points disadvantage, AND the opponent has some damn good suits for him to command!  Customizing your pilot skills and using them well is the key for this scenario booklet.

A lot of optional scenario's are also included and benefits can be reaped as such... but be carefull for your losses as well!

This volume seems as a great campaign to run during a weekly gamenight or such, with a fixed group of people.  And something I definitly am willing to give a go, figures enough after all...

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