
vrijdag 10 december 2021

SSSS Gridman

 Roight, time for some more mecha styled anime this time around, with this series from 2018.

And this one really does has a unique "take in" on how it all came to be.

Yuuta Hibiki wakes up in a room without any memories, and a girl called Rikka Takarada.  he gets contacted by a robot huy, but for some strange reason Rikka can`t see nor hear it.  He merges with the old computer, and becomes the Gridman, a giant robot that fights the monsters looming over the city.  Together with Rikka and a classmate called Shou Utsumi, he formes the Gridman Alliance, bound on fighting the monsters appearing in the fog.

A classmate of Yuuta, Akane, is communicating with Alexis, the computer program creating the kaiju.  Samurai Calibur approaches the Gridman Alliance, optimizing the computer Gridman is in and making him able to communicate with all of them. He leads them to a restaurant of one of their classmates, but it turns out she died long time ago... yet they saw her at school the day before, as are four more of them.

Calibur, and his partners, are actually boosters for the Gridman, using access codes to go in and upgrade him.  When Yuuta, Rikka and Shou all by circumstances come into contact with members of the kaiju race, both sides gain a lot of insight in how the world works... as Akane is actually a deranged godess that made the city, and there is nothing beyond the city it seems.  Another Kaiju taking human form, Anti, has it out for Yuuta, as he suspects that he is indeed Gridman, and wants to prove he is the strongest of them all.  But as their personal lives ever become more intangled, and the truth of their city is understood little by little, they all have second doubts about what they are doing.

What you basically have in this series is a Kamen Rider or X-Or like anime, powered by an ancient computer.  The biggest downside perhaps is the rather basic drawings, think Digimon and the likes instead of high art productions.

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