
zaterdag 9 april 2022

On the Painting Desk 200

 Well, kind of a jubilee this time, as it is the 200th update on painting stuff that I share.

And while 2021 was slow, VERY slow, I`m trying to at least pick up the pace a little bit this year.

In the past week, I sat down to do some work on my GunPla kit of the Freedom, still the most gorgeous mech design ever created (slightly subjectional opinion).  While I don`t do the panel lining style as is commin in the hobby, from my wargaming background, I tend to try and transfer my usual 3-tone paintstyle to these models as well.

And the first step towards that, is of course the base layer, which for all that has to become white in the end is a coat of Cold Grey.

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