
woensdag 3 augustus 2022

Battle report: first outing of MechaTop

 So, my solo deck arrived, and that meansssss GAME TIME!

At last, after more then a year of getting the ruleset in my mailbox, I can give MechaTop a try and play the solo game to learn the rules.

So yes, that also means a LOT of mistakes will be done in this battle report, so feel free to point them out, as I was playing with the book at my side and having read through it a while ago.

Of course, for the first game, I didn`t dable in to many special rules, just picking some figures from my completed 1/400 scale gachapon Gundam, and for scenery the 1/300 scale 3D printing I did for it.
So what better then take the one and only original Gundam, the RX78-2 against some mass build mobile suits of the Principality of Zeon in this very first try-out, in the form of a Gouf and a Zaku I.  So Zeon has a slight points advantage as such (600 vs 630) and of course a numerological advantage.  But can they stand up to a "true" Gundam? 

The Duel

So, the table was laid out, and the play area marked by forests as borders.  Buildings where then placed as per the rules, going for the Standard Duel game on a 24" by 24"area, ignoring it normally is only single mech vs single mech.  The RX78 starts with his Beam Rifle and Shield equipped, the Zaku with his machine gun and the Gouf Heat Rod and Wrist machine gun.

The first turn doesn`t see much action, as both forces move towards each other as fast as they can.  But as initiative stays with Zeon, the Gouf is obliged to Boost and coming into range of the RX78-2.
Firing it's AMS Beam Rifle, and scoring a natural 6 to boost, the shot destroys the Gouf's shield and pierces it's armour due to collateral damage.  The Zaku tries to close the gap, as the RX moves slightly closer, rotating itself towards the enemy.

Gambling that Earth gets priority at last, I assigned double attacks to the RX78-2.  The initiative indeed comes his way, and while the first shot gets fully blocked by the Gouf's armour, the second destroys it.  

The Zaku comes into range, but it's machine gun is no match for RX78's shield.

Gambling again on double attacks, the initiative never the less goes to Zeon.  The puny Zaku reloads his machine gun, only to have it's shot bounce of from the shield of the RX78 once more, before being taken out by the criting Beam rifle, leaving the unscathed RX78-2 standing victorious on the battlefield.

So, this is indeed a fast paced game, with all the rule searching included taking about 45 mins for this game.  I imagine in larger battles more tactics come looking in of course, especially against flesh and blood opponents, but the card system at least allows me to game with my beloved mecha models.

I suspect I`m still doing some small things wrong with the command buttons (do you do all your actions in your go, or is it alternating action by action with the opponent?) but that is something I`ll have to look in at the facebook group and the YouTube tutorial videos one of these days.
Now to get me some 1/300 scale jet fighters and tanks, and we can get going to solo play the various campaigns.

Great fun, and I can`t wait to introduce it to some anime loving friends!

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