
donderdag 18 augustus 2022

LEGO Brickmasters exposition Wijnegem Shopping Center

 In the WSC for short, two short tramstops past my front door, a LEGO exposition running from july until august 19th.

So I popped along and took a look at the builds.

It was fun to see a heap of names I still know from my Belug days, like the pirate ships of Stefan, the roman builds of Tom or Hans's mosaics.

Most of the builds are located in the central part of the shopping center, including some huge Paw Patrol models.

But scattered around the shopping center, some more of the big statue builds can be found.

It was sheer fun seeing them on display, some I knew from my convention days with the club, like the Zelda mosaic or the Flying Dutchman, others I hadn't seen and I keep being awed by the looks of things that where made by the talented builders.

Surely a fun exposition!

Hope you liked this little picture report of the exposition.  While my brick-y days might be well behind me, I can still appreciate the lovely toy, and the creations people make with them.

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