
vrijdag 30 september 2022

Three quarters past: the goal end sprint

 Summer has past, and we enter the last stint of the year to see what goals we can achieve this year, and which we can already start to abandon.

And did we manage to put some goals already in the "green" during the past period?

Well, yes.  The first one (unsurprisingly?) to reach the achieved status is the anime to watch goal, which was set at 25 series.  That has been passed, with the counter now on 30 already finished, but we are still watching the 200+ episodes Hitman Reborn "not officially a goal" but which I still want to finish before the year is up.  I`m currently at episode 76 of 203, so that will require still some effort, but it has been improved significantly in the past quarter towards this goal.

The other big goal of the year, the read 100 books, is still a decent amount away from achieving, but it has been bumping my manga collection strongly the past months so far.  I`m now at 35 out of 100, meaning some serious end of year shopping might be required still.  Probably starting out with completing a couple of series (or up until their recently released volumes) for series like the Quintuplets, Saintia Sho, Terra Formars or Reincarnated as a Slime.

On the series and movies front, with respectively 15 and 10 finished, it will all depend a bit on Noshi's mood on what we will be watching the coming months still if I get to the movies goal, but the series at least we nailed for this year.

So, let's get to the painting level: I worked some more on Gundam gachapon's, and as a result 5 are now finished bar some rebasing.  And I actually might complete a GunPla this year, bar perhaps it's MechaTop suited basing.

The battle with the scales however seems to have stagnated, as I keep hovering around the 89 bar the past weeks, no matter the salads amount.  Guess we will have to break past a certain metabolic point in order to get it going downwards again.  Time to finally make use of that gym pass I guess, ouch my aching bones.

See you all in 3 months for the end of year tally!

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