
woensdag 19 april 2023

Gundam 1/400 resin Type 61 tank

 And here we have it, the first models painted of the sample box I received for MechaTop back in february: two Type 61 battle tanks.

The mainstay of the Earth Federation ground forces, these tanks are tiny in 1/400 scale, as they rightly are so next to 18 meters tall Gundams of course.

They have been cast in resin, and the STL's will be part of the upcoming second Kickstarter they are planning to launch, which is great news as they would be very hard to find otherwise.  The detailing on the little tanks is perfect for a model of about 2 square centimeters after all.

Colour scheme wise, well, they are what they are, grey tanks, so no flashy paint job on that part though.

Now to eagerly await the kickstarter, back it and then contact one of my buddies with a resin printer for some mass-printing...

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